The love relations are complicated topic that has its thousand shapes. To find the right London escorts for you and to start the a sparkle of passion, that will never die is a question of pure luck. But sooner or later everybody finds what he is looking for. But unfortunately there are four types of London escorts that are always miserable. Even when they have found someone and often jump from relationship to relationship. They remain unhappy with their love life and eventually sex. Here we will show who these London escorts are and why they can’t find love.
1.The Iron Lady
In a world where the feminism and fanatic emancipation are in power there are many London escorts, that are left alone and miserable. Because they refuse to be tender and hurt. They refuse to accept that men have the need to be strong and to support women. Yes, the iron lady type of London escorts may have uncountable successes in the professional life and many meaningless hook-ups. But the truth is that it is nice for these ladies to accept that they have the right to be weak and to need their men.
2. The Obedient Lady
The London escorts that take their man as their whole universe also are not celebrating happy love life. They are so obedient that they are like pawn in the hands of their partner. They always need advice, can’t decide by themselves and constantly comply with their men for everything. In practice, this type of London escorts are completely dependent. Is that really the way to happiness? Absolutely not and it doesn’t matter if they are in love through their head. They have to learn to listen to themselves more and alone to build their opinion about the world around them.
3. London escorts with the syndrome “Mum”
Usually this type of London escorts are not attracting grown-up men. They are getting young boys that they take care of, until they don’t get bored with it. They love to feel like the saver until they get fed up. Very often these London escorts are choosing men with addictions like alcohol and narcotics. Our personal advice to them if they want it is to abandon their ability to save men. This is not going to make them happy and it certainly won’t last.
4. The London escorts who never makes compromises.
There are London escorts that always fell in love with the same type of men. They never make compromises with themselves and can’t even allow themselves to look into a men who is somehow different from their type. These ladies from London escorts are definitely not happy, because obviously the type of men they like is not suitable for them.
My Fuckbuddy is one of the sexiest London escorts – do we have a future?
There is this guy who came to us with his story and asked for our help. He said he is in love with a beautiful London escort that is a lot older than him. She is like 25 years older than him and he wanted to know if he has a chance for a stable relationship with her. With the help of some of the best psychologically escorts from XLondonEscorts we tried to give the best advice.
The reader says that he is being sleeping with an amazing woman from the best London escorts that can be found. But he is 30 years old and she is 55 ,but sexy as fuck. And the sex of course is incredible because what else could you expect from London escorts. They have a very strong passion between them. He said that they have met few months ago on a party organized by a friend. She was booked from someone who wanted to make the party more fun by getting few sexy London escorts. She is 55 but she looks a lot younger. I wouldn’t give her more than 40 and I mean sexy 40 years old escort.
At the end of the night she’s been very disappointed with her job and her driver who left her at the address and didn’t want to take her home. So our reader offered the sexy old lady from London escorts a ride home and escorted her with a mini cab. She was happy to accept and didn’t charge him as service. The travel to her home had been a real pleasure for both of them and had been followed by a lot of laughing and jokes. When the car had arrived at her house she offered him to get in for a coffee.
Of course every decent gentlemen who is asked by sexy London escorts to come in for a drink wouldn’t say no. And so he went in. The flat was nice and cosy and the conversation went smooth and nice. While they were talking and laughing all of a sudden they started kissing. And that was not all. It was followed by a hot night under the sheets in the bedroom and all over the floor, bathroom and kitchen table.
After the wild and nasty sex that they had she had fell asleep in his arm and he staid until the morning. They had breakfast together and for goodbye they swopped their phone numbers. All had gone well and without any expectation or obligations.
After two week they met again and had another great night of sex. Even though she works as London escorts and usually make sex for money, she doesn’t do it with every customer. But even you would expect that she has enough action in the bedroom and maybe should be tired and want something else from a relationship. It seemed she enjoyed the sex with our reader a lot and not for money. Since that night they meet once or twice every week and have great sex. But the true for our reader is that he wants more from this relationship than just a casual sex.
She never mentioned to have any feelings for the guy. But on a few occasions she have mentioned that he is the best lover she’s ever had. Few times she’s asked him why a young and handsome man like him is losing his time with an older London escort like her. Of course he’s been polite and answered that she is amazing and the time spent together is worth every minute. But he admitted in that the true is that her words are actually flattering him because he is the shy type of guy and needed exactly that sort of attention to gain confidence.
For him this lady from XLondonEscorts, who works as London escorts and is not in her teen ages is not just someone to have sex with. He really likes her. He enjoys the time spent with her, to cuddle with her and feels on the seventh heaven when she falls asleep in his arms. He is definitely crazy about this particular woman from London escorts. But the age difference is really warring for him. She is just a few years younger than his parents and has grown up children.
These feelings that he has may be mutual. It is time to thing about the future seriously and to discuss where is your relationship going. Otherwise, there is a risk that at some point either he or the lady of London escorts will be hurt.
It is advised that he think about the details if this situation. With such a big age difference in favour of the London escorts he will never be able to have children. And when he reaches 50 she will be 75 years old. But anyway the extraordinary compared to the common people’s believes doesn’t mean unhappy relationship. Many people are happy regardless of the large age difference. Or maybe exactly because of it the older London escorts will help you to widen your horizon and to realize many things about yourself.
The most important for a start is that he talks to the sexy old lady from London escorts and finds out if she wants something more than just sex. If the answer is yes then together they should consider a plan on how to tell the relatives and to discuss how everyone imagines the future together.