The sex is a natural necessity, thanks god, at least during a time of quarantine we have lots of time for cuddles and caress. Luckily London escorts of XLondonEscorts are still around and are happy to meet you for some fun time for the cheap price that they usually do.
So if your partner is close, he is not contagious and you are also in great health, there is nothing else to do. Now is the perfect moment to dedicate yourself to sweet sexual adventures under home “arrest”. And if you are single or your partner is far, far away and you can’t be together because of the isolation just hire a London escorts and have fun. Business as usual in XLondonEscorts and delivery times much quicker because of the lack of traffic. Nevertheless you have to keep in mind few important details around the sexual life around times of pandemic.
Professional advice from sexologists and virologists
Sexologists and virologists came up with expert advices on what types of sexual activity we could afford and from what we should refrain in the time of Coronavirus (Covid-19):
If both of you are healthy
If both of you and your partner don’t have any symptoms and you are convinced that you have no where to catch the Coronavirus and in the meantime you stay isolated at home. If you follow all the requirements for good hygiene you can relax and enjoy in the arms of your love. And in terms of London escorts – these girls are checked regularly if they have the infection of any symptoms. They take all the precautions to protect themselves. But to be completely calm and sure the specialists are advising to restrain from kisses. Don’t forget that Coronavirus like most viruses can e transferred through ones saliva. So don’t be surprised if London escorts refuse to deliver their girlfriend experience, which most significant part is French kissing.
If you or your partner have COVID-19
If one of you two has given a positive test result, you have to stay as far as possible from each other. If you are possible or confirmed case you have to self-isolate yourself. The ideal case would be to be alone in a your home for at least 14 days after the diagnose. To afford any intimacy with your other half you have to pass at least 72 hours without fever when you haven’t used medication to reduce the temperature. Respectively the symptoms have to be gone as well.
We from XLondonEscorts would never send you to meet London escorts that have any symptoms or have been diagnosed with the Coronavirus in the last 14 days, but on your side you have to warn us if you had any symptoms. Better stay isolated or if you want to meet a beautiful girl it will have to be from a long distance just for chat and good company.
Refrain from oral love
Currently there is no evidence for sexual transmitting the COVID-19. What is known up to date is that the Coronavirus is transmitted through touching of infected areas and drops of water in your breathable organs. The second one is giving us a hint that COVID-19 as any other viruses can be passed easily through the saliva. There are also proofs of oral-faecal transmission. So except from French kissing you have to refrain yourself from other oral pleasures. Well using condom will protect you and your partner from the virus.
London escorts are professionals as you already know and they are always using protective equipment if you reach to making love with them. So they will always ask you to use condom even for a simple fellatio. If you approach London escorts for making oral sex, please protect yourself and the girl as your health should be priority.
No new partners at all
The situation right now is simply that we have to stay home and reduce our communication with others to a minimum. Only essentials are allowed and even going out has to be limited to just shopping food, going to work and one exercise a day. Even when you have to talk to someone, the doctors are appealing to keep a distance of at least a meter and a half. So you can’t really afford to go out and date new partners. London escorts are not new to you probably, so does that mean you can meet them? London escorts are still available for bookings and will come to your address as soon as possible. They will be your girlfriend for an hour or two, or however you book them for. These beautiful ladies are doing everything they can to protect themselves and their customers, but want to keep working and deliver pleasure around London.
Digital sex with beautiful girls next door
Even when the situation with Coronavirus is requiring to limit our physical contacts there are other ways to exercise erotic entertainments. For example sexting, video connection with London escorts or reading of erotic books. Masturbating also can do a wonderful job for you. So calm down there is a solution for everything during this crisis with COVID-19.
If you love sex toys

If you are addicted to sex toys from London escorts and you are afraid that they may be covered in all sort of bacteria. There is a simple solution as they are all washable. Just wash thoroughly with soapy water.
Six ways to vary your sex life with London escorts during isolation of Coronavirus
The knew virus – Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Europe and the World. It has forced most of the population to stay at home. If you are one of them, we recommend that you are, and you have lovely London escorts next to you, that you love. Then now is the moment dedicate your free time at home to her and get a good use of the time. Explore and enjoy untried emotions in your sexual life with London escorts.
In practice these ideas under will vary your sexual life with London escorts and will return the lost passion between you. Of course you can change and supplement them in accordance with your personal preferences and those of your London escorts.
Touch each other only with lips
The task is simple – just to touch London escorts without using your hands. Instead use your lips in the action or include feet, nose, hair. This will add freshness to your sexual experience and will make it more arousing and unique.
Sex under the shower
Nice verification can be added to the sex with London escorts if you do it under the shower. There are plenty of variations that you can introduce under the shower or in the bath tub and all of them can bring unexpected pleasure. A favourite to escorts in London position and one that we recommend is when the lady puts her back to the wall and wrap her legs around his waist.
Read a recommended erotic novel
In the erotic books you can always find enough wisdom, that you can implement in the real life. In the love novels you won’t find historical facts, but for sure you can find romantic ideas, that you can realise with London escorts at home.
Massage is always a good idea
Nobody refuses a relaxing massage and when it is with London escorts it is also very hot massage. Use this to make her happy or she to make satisfy you. Don’t relax too much, take advantage of the happy ending during Coronavirus situation.
Request striptease from the escort
If London escorts surprise you at home with a sexy striptease that would be amazing right. But if she doesn’t you can ask her to do it. After all you live together and she is a professional dancer probably. Most London escorts have been strippers t some point in their career.
Explore the Kama Sutra
And for a final we are strongly advising you to explore in bed with London escorts and one steaming hot sex position from Kama Sutra – Langusta. Just ask London escorts about it, these from XLondonEscorts know it very well and will be happy to show you.