Admitting to your partner that you are a sex worker or even just an elite companion presents an interesting challenge.
London escorts, companions, sex worker, whore or a prostitute – the difference is little and almost unnoticeable for people who are not specialists like us and our cheap London escorts. Sometimes it is easier to explain in simple words what the daily activities of London escorts are, than to give the job a title. These beautiful girls are accompanying men to diner, home visiting, parties and more, but London escorts are doing sex with customers too, most often with men and mostly in the customers property or hotel room. Bust some escorts in London are doing in a places called brothels, or simply said in their own property. Professionally this service in the UK is called in-call escorts.
When one of London escorts tell someone what her job is they usually ask a lot of questions. The first and quickest question is if they are forced to do it. That may be the case is some places like USA, but not here in UK. The London escorts are normal employees like any other worker, they are usually not hunted or recruited, they are the people who look for this type of job. So they apply for a job and then if looking good and qualifies they are employed. But after asking them about hourly rates and how much they make per hour and other questions of how London escorts stand working in high heels all night. Then comes the question of what is their job title then?
The story of one young girl from London escorts tell us how she got some of the best advices from her co-working ladies. Between these escorts in London she told us how you can learn about everything from how to maintain your make-up perfect for long hours to how quickly you can and have to get rid of rude customers. When this girl was 23 and just starting in her escorts career in London she got probably the most valuable advice from another London escorts girl that: “I will give you a free advice darling – Never tell a man that you like and date, that this is your profession. One day when you have a boyfriend never tell him anything about it, keep it to yourself.”
The beautiful and young girls from cheap London escorts are busy while at the beginning of their career and don’t think about this sort of advices a lot in the early days. But later in the years, when they grow a little bit and adjust to the job more, London escorts become wiser and start to thing about this sort of things. Despite what the Bible and some critics will tell you, there is nothing wrong with this type of jobs and being an escort in London is not wrong. These ladies usually enjoy sex with different people and they do it with pleasure, not an obligation. London escorts enjoy the opportunity and freedom the job gives them. From all the jobs that a beautiful woman could work, the one that delivers sexual pleasure and emotional joy to men is definitely much better than other options. When London escorts are in a relationship with someone one should they hide what is their job. The thing about relationships is being honest and open with your partner. And that makes many of our cheap London escorts when they are in a love relationship they become honest and just tell everything about their work to the new partner. That may be challenging and very scary but it will open the doors to longer and healthier relationship.
It takes a lot of alcohol to confess being London escorts to your partner
There are many girls working as London escorts who find it hard to fight with their conscious and to share the true about their job with a partner. In our world where these sort of jobs of delivering sexual pleasures and companionship are criticised and in some countries even criminalised there is no surprise in the fact that most of these girls are restraining themselves from telling other people about their job. I have heard so many stories that I stopped counting about cheap London escorts or other ladies working in the sex industry in the capital, who have lost their second job, accommodation and some have lost their children because they were exposed what they work. Some cruel boyfriend, partner or husband have used their job against them to turn the situation in their favour or to take revenge. There are some stories of London escorts being stalked or even threatened with violence. To be a little bit more dramatic – releasing the information that you are one of cheap London escorts can be fatally serious.
One of our London escorts told us a story when she told a boyfriend for the first time that she is working as sex worker. She was dating with the feller for few months and she was trying for some months to get the confidence to tell him about her working as London escorts. At the end it was the alcohol that helped her to say the true and full story of her life. The surprise for most of you probably is that her partner reacted very natural and he accepted it as nothing so wrong. The lady from cheap London escorts is very thankful and relieved and kept apologising for keeping the secret from him. He was suspecting that there was some secret about her and the fact that she was paying many of the bills and drinks when they go out was giving her up, so he kind of knew what she might actually work – London escort.
This particular beautiful London escorts says that she had mostly positive experience of telling the true about her profession to partners. She suspects that it is like that because her relationships were never traditional and that means London escorts have more open minded partners in their personal life. But there is something that she has noticed about sharing the real job or London escorts to a partner. It is opening the partner to share their secrets too and one partner for example admitted that he was dating many London escorts in his younger years, which off course was very comforting for the London escort. Another male partner admitted that she was not his first London escorts that he was dating and a third man has said he has done some volunteer work for an organization fighting with the London escorts rights in UK.
By discussing such a personal part of my life with my partners, I had given them the space to have an honest and vulnerable conversation with me, and it often resulted in a renewed sense of trust and intimacy. One man later noted that by spending the evening with him, I was sacrificing the potential of an entire night’s earnings: when he realised my pay rate, he couldn’t help but take it as a compliment.
An interesting fact about sharing with her partner is that London escorts first find it difficult but it is not all tears and confession. These ladies are dating with women, cheap London escorts and sex workers and for some it is a great way to mean a partner, who can be rich and open minded too. London escorts says that just getting an advice from a college in the changing room is the least of interesting thing that is happening there. But that is a story for another article in